
Alpert Medical Center at Brown

Investment - NMTC

Providence, RI

Closing Year

Sponsor Developer
Brown University

Project Type

Public Partner
City of Providence

UA NMTC Allocation
$5 Million

260,000 SF


The Alpert Medical Center is a revitalization gem in Providence's Jewelry District. In the 19th Century, the area was home to a large number of jewelry manufacturing companies. However, in the 1970s a new highway was constructed that separated the Jewelry District from the rest of downtown and the area fell into disrepair. After the highway was rerouted in the late 2000s, the area was ripe for redevelopment. The Alpert Medical Center, which houses Brown University's Alpert Medical School, was the first lynchpin in that revitalization effort. Urban Atlantic's $10 Million Allocation leveraged over $72 Million in project costs.